I spent a number of years as a Unitarian Universalist, and during that time I was exposed to the assertion that poet Edwin Markham was a Universalist. I now understand that, regardless of his church affiliation, he resonated deeply with Universalist principles, especially if you define the philosophy broadly as […]
Estimated reading time: 9 minutes
I dunno… I have this creeping dread that what I’m about to say will cost me my Progressive credentials or something. It somehow feels creepily… Conservative… The people who want The Bailout want to use the US Treasury as their slush fund. Back when I was an underemployed, underpaid customer-service […]
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Re: Sarah Palin: Damn. I still can’t say it better than Ellen Goodman. Sandi asked me a good question today: She wondered how far down the list he had to go before McCain found a piece of work like this to run with him.
Estimated reading time: 22 seconds