Ella’s Song Composed by Bernice Johnson Reagon, copyright ©Songtalk Publishing Co. http://www.bernicejohnsonreagon.com/ella.shtml We who believe in freedom cannot rest We who believe in freedom cannot rest until it comes Until the killing of black men, black mothers’ sons Is as important as the killing of white men, white mothers’ sons […]
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Hillary Rodham Clinton gave a speech worthy of a JFK or an MLK last night at the Democratic Convention. I can’t remember ever having heard a better political speech, certainly not in real time. News commentators are speculating about what Bill will say tonight. They think the Dem power-brokers are […]
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes
I originally wrote this in February and posted it to my Tribe blog: Something that is significant to me that I think Hillary gets short shrift for is her personal integrity and the character that was formed in her in the fires of Interngate and the impeachment process. I’ve seen […]
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
I don’t think a better speech could be given than the one Hillary gave in Denver tonight. Sandi agrees with me. There’s still no fuckin’ way I’m voting for 0bama, even though she asked me to, but I thought she finessed everything that could possibly have needed finessing For everybody […]
Estimated reading time: 1 minute
I’m pretty consistent across venues with the persona I present: it’s part of my lifelong obsession with congruence. There are, however, differences in the intensity with which I flash different facets of myself in different settings. For example, I’ve been very outspoken about my allegiance to the Hillary-for President-in-2008 campaign […]
Estimated reading time: 12 minutes