Originally published in 2000. A couple years ago I shared with this list my journey of having been diagnosed with diabetes and the adjustments I was making. Over the months, I discovered that my blood-sugar levels were in the normal range and stopped treating myself, and when I moved to […]
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
THE NAMES OF KHRYSSO: A BIT OF BACKGROUND FOR THE FAERIE COMMUNITY First posted to the Radical Faerie e-list hosted by QueerNet.org, June 2000. I’ve told this story before, but it keeps evolving. My parents named me Christopher Robert Wagner. Christopher because I was born two weeks before […]
Estimated reading time: 10 minutes
Originally published in 2000. During my first year in college, I lived in the unique Stadium Scholarship Dormitory at The Ohio State University. The late lamented Stadium Dorm had been built into the very walls of Ohio Stadium, literally under the west bleachers, in a vast and esoteric network of […]
Estimated reading time: 16 minutes
Originally published in 2008 As I watched Barack Obama give his victory speech, I felt so proud of us, at least the 52% of us, who made this happen. His words made me hopeful for healing that can extend across the world. In the Frontline special The Choice: 2008, I […]
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Originally published in 2008. Been thinking a lot about the economic meltdown and my own poverty. Fact is, I’ve learned so well how to be poor that the global financial crisis isn’t affecting my lifestyle a whole lot—I’ve been surviving on next to nothing for so long that it doesn’t […]
Estimated reading time: 12 minutes
Originally published in 2008. If you don’t want your sexuality brought into the analysis of the debate, then I advise not wearing your come-fuck-me pumps onstage. Sorry, evangelical “feminists.” The heels are fair game. You’re the moose-hunter, Gov. Palin—you know that success is all about exploiting the obvious. (Adult male […]
Estimated reading time: 46 seconds
Originally published in 2008. Watching the 5:00 evening news and seeing that The Bailout passed the House (Need I have checked to verify that Deb Pryce voted for it? No, but I did anyway because I’m a responsible writer.), I realized that there might, theoretically, have been a bailout plan […]
Estimated reading time: 1 minute
Originally published in 2008. If Wall Street were a junkie, the bailout would be “enabling.” Wall St. doesn’t need to be enabled any longer: Wall St. needs rehab. And the bailout wouldn’t rehabilitate anything. If Wall St. were the head of a household that depended on it and everybody decided […]
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Originally published in 2008. http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20228488,00.html I’m just unable to generate any excitement over Clay Aiken’s brave decision, now that he’s independently wealthy and has a baby made of his own sperm to prove his virility, to come out of the closet. I saw how he treated Diane Sawyer two years […]
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Originally published in 2008. For some reason lately I’ve been thinking about Transactional Analysis, or TA. Being a bookish (read: nerdy) child of the ’70s, I came of age in the days of I’m OK—You’re OK, and because it was on the New York Times Bestseller List during my junior-high […]
Estimated reading time: 1 minute